Mount Waldo makes GREAT shovels!
Mount Waldo makes GREAT shovels!
Mt Waldo Plastics makes great snow shovels!

Snow Shovels Made by Those that Know Snow

There's Nothing Wrong with Starting Small!

On the Path to Making America's Best Snow Shovel...

As we enter our 10th year in business, we can honestly say that we have learned a great deal! Our philosophy is simple - master the basics, never skimp on quality materials, and be completely honest with your customers. Are our snow shovels full of fancy gimmicks? No. Are we the largest in the industry? Absolutely not!

But when you purchase a Mount Waldo Plastics Snow Shovel will you get a great value? Absolutely!

Will you get a level of Customer Service like your working with an owner, a neighbor who is dedicated to making certain that you and your retail customers are getting the very best assistance possible? Definitely, That's Our Commitment to you!

Mt Waldo Plastics uses automation to build great shovels.

Snow is formed from water vapors in the cold clouds that have condensed into ice crystals. Once the snowflake is heavy enough, it falls from the cloud.

The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.

The record snowfall for Maine, was on November 23, 1943 when Middle Dam, Maine received 35 inches in a 24 hour period.

The Thibodeau and Mt Waldo Plastics family regularly hosts students from area schools to display their assembly process.

Believe it or not...

Alta, Utah receives twice as much snow annually than does Alyeska, Alaska at over 450 in/yr.

Believe it or not...

Alta, Utah receives twice as much snow annually than does Alyeska, Alaska at over 450 in/yr.

Believe it or not...

Alta, Utah receives twice as much snow annually than does Alyeska, Alaska at over 450 in/yr.

Syracuse New York holds the record as the 'Snowiest City in the USA' with just under 11 FEET of snow per year - 127.8 inches.

A single snowflake may be made of a single crystal or many ice crystals bound together, increasing both the size and ability to refract light.

Within the next year, it is expected that Mt Waldo Plastics will cross a real milestone - $100,000 in donations from the sale of their pink snow shovels. Go PINK!

On January 19th, 1977 a freak storm deposited snow on the beaches of Miami Florida for the first and last time on record.

Every one of Mt Waldo Plastics Kiddie-Trunk shovels must be hand assembled - that is THOUSANDS of shovels! What a labor of love for a product and the kids!

In August of each year, while most businesses and families are out on a beach enjoying the sun, the Thibodeau family begins building inventory for the coming Winter.

In August of each year, while most businesses and families are out on a beach enjoying the sun, the Thibodeau family begins building inventory for the coming Winter.

In 2015, the Massachusetts National Guard was called up to keep the trains running through a tough winter storm. They needed snow shovels and we were there!

In the Winter of 1967, the City of Chicago was treated to a storm that deposited 23 inches of snow in 24 hours, leaving only Lake Michigan as a place to dump it!

In the Great Blizzard of 1888, a snowdrift of over 53 FEET was reported in Gravesend, Brooklyn, NY. I wonder who had to hold the bottom of the tape measure?

Mount Waldo Plastics is located in Frankfort Maine, once famous for its high quality granite that is now at the base of many historic buildings in the USA.

In 2021, Manufacturers of recreational and winter-related goods contributed $348,000,000 to the Maine economy. Go Maine!

It requires only 2% of dye to create the vibrant colors for which Mt. Waldo Plastics is so well known - Deep Blue and Ribbon Pink.

Many local retailers will stop in from time to time and pick up a fill-in order for their store, and occasionally, they'll bring the boss.

While one would think the snow shovel hasn't changed much over time, at least we don't have to use elk horns for the blades, like was done in Russia 6000 years ago!

Mount Waldo Plastics purchases the raw injection molding materials in natural - almost clear pellets in trailer-loads to make their varied products.

Unfortunately, Mt Waldo Plastics doesn't make products for the snow spectators in our midst.

Mount Waldo Plastics, Inc

178 Main Road North

Frankfort, Maine 04438

Mike & Stacy Thibodeau, owners

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